Main Pool Closure:
Due to essential maintenance our Main Pool is unfortunately closed until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Fitness classes are a great way to keep your workouts varied, from high intensity full-body workouts through to relaxing classes for your mind and body. Our friendly instructors are welcoming and inclusive, ensuring that everyone has fun and stays motivated throughout.

LES MILLS workouts are famous because they work, with a whole variety of workout classes designed to make you fitter… and fast! With classes for whatever kind of exercise you enjoy - including Body Combat, Body Pump and RPM (indoor cycling).

Float Fit

Join us for one of our fantastic Float Fit classes - with all the benefits of a standard workout, in the water! These classes help to improve flexibility, static strength and body awareness. Incorporates varied methods like Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga.

Spin Class

Our indoor cycling group exercise class is a fun, low impact workout for your legs, bum and abs. You keep pace with the rhythm of the music, and sprint and climb your way to peak fitness. If you want an extra challenge, you can increase the resistance on your bike.

Calming Classes

Our calming classes are the best way to make sure you get that time for you that you deserve. With focus on your breathing, relaxation and core strength, they’re the perfect way to maintain a strong mind and body.